File Handling & Structure – Logos

Creating Files for Logo Proofs: Regarding file formats for working files, it’s advisable to save the Illustrator project file (.ai) in a format that preserves edit-ability. This allows for easy revisions or updates in the future. Do not save over your initial proof, but create a new art board and make revisions to a copy of the initial design. In past experiences, we have had clients want to go back to previous versions of logo designs. Fonts need to be listed within the document, designers can include this information in various ways to ensure easy access for future reference or for other designers who may need to work on the project.

Here are some suggestions:

• Text Layers: If the logo includes text elements, designers can keep text layers intact within the Illustrator file. This allows anyone opening the file to see the fonts used for each text element.

• Text Boxes or Notes: Designers can create text boxes or notes within the Illustrator document listing the fonts used. These notes can be placed on a separate layer or grouped together for easy reference.

Logos for Ranch House should be proofed out on the Ranch House Logo Proofing Template found here: psd?rlkey=1dfan5nudnfusjamhcmip359u&dl=0

• Final files for logo projects should be provided in an .ai, .eps, .pdf, .jpg, .png format.

• Fonts should be outlined in final files.

• Lines and art should be expanded to preserve stroke weight and styling. Logo Style Sheets Should be provided for all logo projects. The template for these can be found on here: